Tuesday, 19 May 2015

How to Write the Perfect Hospitality Resume!

Putting together an intelligent and organized resume requires a certain amount of time and thoughtfulness that you will need to devote to this endeavor before sending out the final draft to potential employers. There are many different jobs in the hospitality business, and you will want to consider which one you want, because that should be part of your career objective, one of the first parts of the resume you are putting together. The career objective that you write down should clearly state what type of job you want and what your long term prospects are for the future. Employers like to look at career objectives that are well-written and thought out. It gives them a clear idea of who they are hiring and what they want. For example, if you are interested in becoming a hotel manager, you will need to clearly state that in your career objective.

Even the most basic of information is going to be important and vital to whether or not a company chooses to hire you on as a full time employee. You will always want to make sure that your name and contact information is listed at the top in a organized way that will allow them to call or email to let you know about any interviews they are conducting. Make sure you provide both a home and cell phone number, so they will not have a difficult time reaching in case of a job opening. As far as your email address goes, it should be something that looks professional and will let them know that you take your job hunt very seriously.

The past employment history that you provide should be complete and cover all the jobs you have had in the past five to ten years. List the most recent jobs first, followed by past positions you have held. While it always helps to have experience or training in jobs that pertain to the one you are applying for, such experience is not always necessary. This is especially true if you plan on applying for a lower level position. If you plan on becoming a manager of a pub or restaurant though, you will want to have some education or at very least a good amount of experience behind you before applying anywhere.

This means thinking about going to school for some business major that pertains to the hospitality business. Make sure that you choose a school that you can trust to give you a diploma or certificate that will be worth something once you graduate. The school you go to for a business degree is important, because it will be on your resume along with all the other important information that employers will be reviewing.

Seeking for a job in Singapore, you can source a list of available jobs at jobbank Singapore.

A marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - One of the best SEO companies in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

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